An angle of 180 degrees is a straight line or half a circle/ Galería Rosa Santos

An angle of 180 degrees is a straight line or half a circle is Aldo Giannoti´s debut show for Spain at the Galleria Rosa Santos, giving an overview on the most recent productions by the Italian artist, bases in Vienna. Italian policeman patrolling at Munich’s Oktoberfest, an alien getting lost on planet earth, Jesus Christ at the Viennese Prater, Swiss Guards at Kremlin and Russian soldiers in front of the Vatican: Aldo Giannotti could be described as a contemporary storyteller, transforming situations through improvisation into words, images and sound. Through the lightness of the narration he tickles complex structures of society, relations of powers, conflictual interests and cultural attributions. The exhibited project Carabinieri, Stazione Mobile by Aldo Giannotti in collaboration with the artist Stefano Giuriati, questions the dynamics and the rules connoting and defining the term “border” itself. The two artists, performing two Carabinieri abroad, show the relationships between different cultural and national identities within the European Community. Through their symbolic relocation into a foreign city, the ordinary perception of borders has been shifted and puzzled. Tracing new edges, they shape a subjective geography bringing about different questions: what are the borders defined by? What is tolerated within them? Which identities (national, cultural, social, religious…) should be enclosed and protected? In the same manner the work Vis á Vis (Aldo Giannotti & Stefano Giuriati) questions which are the limits and criteria determining who and what can cross borders and provoke thinking about alternative histories, if borders and power structures are rewritten. 15 photographs form Few Steps Towards Redemption, is the title of a step- by-step narration, through a sequence of images, representing the approach towards emancipation of everyday codes and bonds. A redemption and a do it yourself – liberation passing through the ironical exploiting of ordinary objects and symbols belonging to the artist’s life. The postcard background depicting the panoramic wheel in the Viennese Prater is processed in 15 movements and given back to the eyes of the observer in form of a well-known iconographic image. With An angle of 180 degrees is a straight line or half a circle -the work that gave title to the show - the artist’s mother is “uplifted” to the universal role of the mother. An almost religious image and a very Italian label transformed by Giannotti into a catty and sadistic message, subversive towards the everyday life. It perfectly indicates the core method the artist approaches: Observing and overturning cultural clichés and stereotypes, juggling and turning upside down reality and challenging the way we use to perceive what surrounds us. References to his cultural origin and environment are points of linkage in Giannotti´s works, especially in the examination of socially embedded arche- and stereotypes. He makes undertakes the experiment of deconstructing iconographical images and connected ways they are told, in order to test them in a non-linear and undetermined narrative. An experiment, that makes shifts of paradigms possible, without inscribing new ideals or patterns into the canon of the story told, but underlining diversity and the variety of options.