Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 18 bis 21 Uhr
Eröffnungsrede: Florian Steininger, des. Direktor der Kunsthalle Krems, 18.30 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 11. März bis 23. April 2016
Eröffnung: Samstag, den 28.04.2012. ab 19 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 29.5. – 30.5.2012 Ausstellungsort: Freies Museum Berlin, Potsdamer Straße 91, 10785 Berlin
Performances: Yuki Higashino, Aldo Giannotti u.a.
Heimo Zobernig, Hannes Zebedin, Franz West, Christoph Weber, Alexander Wolff, Herwig Weiser,
Adrien Tirtiaux,Nadim Vardag, Jannis Varelas, Johannes Vogl, Peter Sandbichler, Fabian Seiz,
Malin Schoenberg, Christian Mayer, Christoph Meier, Ute Müller, Angelika Loderer, Sonia Leimer,
Barbara Kapusta, Stephan Lugbauer, Anna Jermolaewa,Marlene Haring, Yuki Higashino, Julia Haller,
Benjamin Hirte, Julia Hohenwarter, Philip Hohenwarter, Axel Huber,Manuel Gorkiewicz, Aldo Giannotti,
Alessa Esteban, Ricarda Denzer, Patrick Baumüller, Catrin Bolt, Nicola Brunnhuber,Michael Aschauer
This exhibition presents works that take the classical concept of the meaning of “family“ as a starting point to observe and expand its layers and implications.Â
Through different media and with a common conceptual approach, the artists investigate forms of relationships that are personally, genetically and culturally produced and that affect our everyday life.Â
The idea of family as a social space is explored, tested and subverted by raising topics such as bounds between people, hierarchies, care or dependency.
The installation Explosions in the Sky, exhibited at the Photon Gallery, combines two videos and an actual object — two hand grenades carved from marble. The video entitled Ciclo Continuo presents an artistic action in a public space as the artist’s revolt against the social and political situation in which the individual is driven to the point where — totally helpless — they can do nothing but “screamâ€. Giannotti placed a hand-cranked siren on the balcony of the Palazzo Ducale in Massa (Italy) and invited local inhabitants to vent their feelings and anger through operating the alarm. A symbol of authority and political power, the offices of the Province and Prefecture ‘fall’ in the hands of the populous who are thus able to alert their fellow citizens to the danger of authority (an allusion to the current political situation in Italy).
In the second part of the installation — the video entitled Masclet a crowd of people observe an event. Their initial enthusiasm and fascination transform to apathy due to sounds which become ever more alarming. These noises might well be the sound of explosion and war, though they are actually merely those of a public spectacle — fireworks. The situation resembles the reaction of people while watching the television news, blindly gazing at images which no longer move them to any feeling of a pain, but rather the opposite — media images have become mere images of spectacle. The crowd and their facial expressions make us ask ourselves how the individual can possibly exert any influence on the political and social system in this era of increasing apathy, which is itself symptomatic of the social disease of the modern world. War, suffering and social turmoil happen far away, and we pretend they have nothing to do with us. Through a minimal gesture the artist thus creates an effective sense of ambivalence, and simultaneously leaves to us the possibility of various interpretations of his work. Such an approach is also one of the principal features of Giannotti’s artistic endeavours. (Metka ZupaniÄ)
Performance- und Happeningreihe im Rahmen des donaufestival 2011
28.4. – 7.5. 2011
Teilnehmende KünstlerInnen:
Steffi Alte, Michael Bäckström, Baptiste Elbaz, Christian Falsnaes, Aldo Giannotti, Christina Goestl,
Phini Gonzales, Konrad Kager, Ludwig Kittinger, Boris Kopeinig, Albert Mayr, Fernando Mesquita,
Laurette Rasch, Constanze Schweiger, Toni Schmale, Eva Seiler, Jasmin Trabichler, Marianne Vlaschits
kuratiert von Amer Abbas und Barbara Pflanzner
Die künstlerischen Netzwerke des donaufestival werden heuer mit einem Happening- und
Performanceprojekt weiter gesponnen. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Wiener Art Foundation werden unter
dem Titel „Synaptic Driver“ unterschiedliche Handlungs- und Repräsentationsformen performativer
Praktiken präsentiert. Analog dem Motto des Festivals “Nodes, Roots and Shoots“ werden Möglichkeiten
erkundet, performative Arbeiten nicht als einzeln abgeschlossene Ereignisse zu erleben,
sondern als offene und sich vernetzende künstlerische Ausdrucksweisen.
Donnerstag, 28.4. Â Â Â Â 18.00Ludwig Kittinger / Â Fernando Mesquita
21.00Albert Mayr
Freitag, 29.4. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 19.00Konrad Kager / Baptiste Elbaz
Samstag, 30.4. Â Â Â Â Â Â 18.00Aldo Giannotti (eingang Donau Festival) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 18.00Boris Kopeinig
Donnerstag, 5.5.      18.00Marianne Vlaschits / Michael Bäckström
Freitag, 6.5. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 17.00Steffi Alte / Eva Seiler
17.30Constanze Schweiger / Jasmin Trabichler
Samstag, 7.5. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 14.00Marianne VlaschitsÂ
16.00Toni Schmale / Phini Gonzales / Laurette Rasch 18.30Christina GoestlÂ
21.00Christian Falsnaes
Elektro Gantner Josef-Wichnerstrasse 2
3500 Krems
Öffnungszeiten: jeweils DO 18-22:00, FR 14-22:00, SA 12-22:00
Bahn > Vom Bahnhofplatz > links in die Edmund Hofbauer Straße > dem Straßenverlauf bis zur Utzstraße folgen> bis zum Messegelände folgen. (5 Gehminuten vom Bhf Krems)Â
Auto > Schnellstraße S5/Bundesstraße 3 > Abfahrt Krems Zentrum > Bertschingerstraße durch Unterführung Bahn > Heinemannstraße (Parkplatz gegenüber BORG) > Edmund Hofbauer Straße bis Ecke Utzstraße